Project Context!
Fallen Angel is a self-directed art project that explores themes of loneliness, freedom, and the allure of liminal spaces—transitory areas that evoke nostalgia and eeriness. This project expands on my fascination with capturing these spaces by introducing a subject within them, pushing my boundaries as a photographer and storyteller. The project includes a mock website, a flyer, and custom-made angel wings to build a fictional world centered on a community obsessed with documenting fallen angels.
Project Goal!
The goal was to create a cohesive narrative blending photography, digital design, and physical craftsmanship. Through visual storytelling, I aimed to evoke questions about loneliness and liberation, using the motif of fallen angels to explore these emotions. The project also tested my ability to work across multiple mediums and execute a fully realized concept.
My Role:
- Art Direction and World-Building
- Directed the project’s visual and conceptual elements, including photography direction, the tearaway flyer, and website, to immerse the viewer in the fictional world.
- Research and Fabrication
- Conducted extensive research on biblical angels through religious websites to inform the content. Additionally, I designed and built a pair of custom angel wings, learning new crafting techniques to achieve the desired scale and aesthetic within budget constraints.
- Photography and Mixed Media
- Captured and edited photos juxtapose liminal spaces’ ethereal and eerie qualities, featuring a subject styled as a fallen angel.
The Process!
- Research:
- Explored religious websites for inspiration on biblical angels to craft detailed, believable content for the mock website.
Investigated DIY methods for creating large-scale angel wings, using budget-friendly materials like styrofoam and fabric.
- Explored religious websites for inspiration on biblical angels to craft detailed, believable content for the mock website.
- Ideation and World-Building:
- Developed a fictional community dedicated to spotting fallen angels.
- Designed a flyer to recruit others, directing them to a mock website filled with fabricated sightings, theories, and testimonies. The website mimics the aesthetic and tone of conspiracy sites to enhance immersion.
- Art Direction and Photography:
- Captured a series of photographs featuring the subject wearing the handmade wings in various liminal spaces.
- Experimented with lighting and compositions to evoke both nostalgic beauty and unsettling loneliness.
- Applied my mixed-media skills by integrating photography, crafted elements, and digital interfaces into a unified narrative.
- Execution:
- Produced the flyer and website using Adobe tools and custom assets.
- Styled and photographed the subject, focusing on compositions that highlight both the environment and the handcrafted wings.
The Outcome!
Fallen Angel successfully blends multiple disciplines—photography, digital design, and sculpture—into a cohesive narrative. The project allowed me to explore new techniques, such as crafting large-scale props, and expand my comfort zone by incorporating a live subject in my photography. The final result captures the delicate balance between solitude and freedom, resonating with viewers on an emotional and conceptual level.
Key Takeaways!
- Art Direction and World-Building
- Developed a rich fictional narrative that enhanced the project’s depth and viewer engagement.
- Mixed Media Mastery
- Demonstrated versatility in combining physical and digital mediums to create immersive art.
- Problem-Solving and Innovation
- Overcame budget constraints through research and creative fabrication techniques.
- Expanding Comfort Zones
- Gained experience in directing subjects especially when not comfortable with photography and integrating them into my photographic work.
- Role: Art Direction, Photography, Prop Fabrication, Digital Design
- Model: My partner in crime, character was created with him in mind!
- Tools Used: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Lightroom; DIY crafting materials
- Artist Statement: “I love the beauty in darkness, but mostly when there’s no one around. But it’s not that no one is around, I’m there. So what does it mean to be alone? I wonder if fallen angels feel lonely or do they finally feel free?”